The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Laboratory for Advanced Visualization & Applications (LAVA) was founded on January 1, 2014, by Jason Leigh- Director Emeritus of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The mission of LAVA is to conduct research and development in big data visualization techniques and to apply these techniques in cutting-edge domain science, engineering, and training applications.

LAVA provides faculty, researchers, and students from UH’s 10 campuses (Mānoa, Hilo, West O‘ahu, Hawai‘i Community College, Honolulu Community College, Kapi‘olani Community College, Kaua‘i Community College, Leeward Community College, Maui Community College, Windward Community College) with opportunities to use its cutting-edge data visualization technologies for creative and scientific projects.

Creative Computational Media Certificate

The Creative Computational Media certificate is a dynamic, interdisciplinary program at the University of Hawaiʻi that fuses technology and creativity, preparing students for cutting-edge careers in immersive digital media.

For more information, click here.

Featured Projects


SAGE 3 (the Smart Amplified Group Environment) is an open-source project that lets people collaborate with information and make decisions more effectively using artificial intelligence. The website is

Artificial intelligence is used to collaborate over information at home or in the boardroom and come to decisions with greater speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness, and confidence.


Partner Lab

Create(x) is a living laboratory for students to showcase their works at the intersection of creative media, computation, culture, art, and science at the University of Hawaii at West O‘ahu.

It is founded by Professor Jason Leigh and directed by Kari Noe at the Office of Indigenous Knowledge and Innovation (OIKI). Create(x) is jointly funded by the Academy for Creative Media System and the National Science Foundation.


The Hawaii Advanced Visualization Energy Nexus is a project to enable the general public and policymakers to better understand the land use tradeoffs that need to be considered in transitioning Hawaiʻi to 100% renewable energy by 2045. Click here for the website.

This project was developed by the Laboratory for Advanced Visualization & Applications (LAVA) and funded in part by the Hawaiian Electric Company, Hawaiʻi State Energy Office, and the National Science Foundation.

2550 Correa Rd
Honolulu, HI 96822
United States

Visit the ICS undergraduate degree website for more information.